Izjava o etičnosti

Autori su odgovorni za izvornost dostavljenih radova. Svaki drugi rad koji se koristi u predanom radu treba biti prikladno naveden i/ili citiran. Plagiranje bilo koje vrste predstavlja ozbiljnu povredu izdavačkog ponašanja. Paralelni podnesci radova u druge časopise za vrijeme dok se rad uzima u razmatranje za objavu u Oeconomicusu su neetični i nisu prihvatljivi.

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Upute autorima

Oeconomicus je znanstveno-stručni časopis iz područja ekonomije i društvenih znanosti. Uredništvo prima isključivo neobjavljene rukopise na hrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku. Primljeni članci najprije prolaze prvu uredničku kontrolu, a zatim se upućuju na postupak tzv. dvostruke slijepe recenzije, što znači da identitet autora i recenzenta ostaje neotkriven.

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Otkrijte dublje uvide, detalje i sveobuhvatne informacije o našem časopisu. Upoznajte ljude iza kulisa - stručnjake, entuzijaste i kreativce koji rade zajedno kako bi vam pružili najbolje čitateljsko iskustvo. Saznajte detalje o načinu i cijeni oglašavanja.

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About Journal Oeconomicus

Oeconomicus (ISSN 1849-9686) publishes scientific papers in the fields of economics and interdisciplinary sciences. The journal has been continuously published since 2016 and, from its first issue, has been included in one of the three most visited academic databases – EBSCO Publishing Database (Business Source Ultimate), ensuring greater availability of marketing messages and the recognition of our authors’ works by millions of readers worldwide.

The editorial board accepts only unpublished manuscripts in Croatian or English.

Submitted articles undergo an initial editorial review, followed by a double-blind peer review process. The papers are reviewed by distinguished domestic and international scientists and experts in the respective fields.

Papers can be submitted to: oeconomicus.hr@gmail.com.

About scientific journal Oeconomicus

Oeconomicus (ISSN 1849-9686) publishes scientific papers in the fields of economics and interdisciplinary sciences. 

The journal has been continuously published since 2016 and, from its first issue, has been included in one of the three most visited academic databases – EBSCO Publishing Database (Business Source Ultimate), ensuring greater availability of marketing messages and the recognition of our authors’ works by millions of readers worldwide. 

The editorial board accepts only unpublished manuscripts in Croatian or English.

Submitted articles undergo an initial editorial review, followed by a double-blind peer review process. The papers are reviewed by distinguished domestic and international scientists and experts in the respective fields